Image, Image Crisis, Crisis Communication, Brand Value, and Trust

Image Crisis: Definition, Causes, and Successful Management

An image crisis presents a significant challenge for companies. This phase, during which an incident negatively impacts a brand’s image among relevant target audiences, can lead to a noticeable loss of trust. Understanding and distinguishing key concepts such as image, trust, and reputation is crucial to grasp the dynamics of an image crisis and implement…

Crisis Communication in Transition – What We Have Learned About Image Crises and What Concerns Us Today

Crisis Communication in Transition – From Boardroom Egos to Scientific Insights and Today’s Challenges

The Traditional Understanding of Crisis Communication There was a time when crisis communication appeared straightforward: there was an incident, the company, and »the media«. Two communication strategies were available – »defensive« and »offensive«: either remain silent and wait it out or lay all the cards on the table immediately. The choice was made by either…